Scarlet Witch-Black Panther is the Avatar

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Just_Jesting · 10

Deck Edit: cut Gamora for Black Panther

Leadership, Protection, Aggression, Justice. Long ago, the four aspects lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when Summoning Spell appeared...Only The Black Panther, master of all four aspects, could utilize such a card. But when the LCG needed him most, he was stuck behind a paywall. A hundred years passed and my brother Quicksilver and I discovered the new Black Panther, a Wakandan named T'challa. And although his enter play effects are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to pull any ridiculous combos. But I believe T'challa can break this game.

Disclaimer (edit): Doctor Strange is the superior choice for this deck design, but Scarlet Witch also has some goodies in her deck that compliment the engine of this deck as well.

So admittedly I'm not great with code, so I couldn't figure out how to upload the Image of the Black Panther Leadership ally from Warmachine's Hero Pack, but rest assured he is amazing and is essential to this strategy (also Gamora is currently holding his spot in this deck, in case you were wondering why she was there, although there is a meme build utilizing her but more on that later).

Disclaimer!!! This is a theory craft and I haven't been able to play it myself. But if it sounds good in sounds good in theory?

T'challa is a 4 cost Leadership Ally, with 4 Health, 2 THW, 2 ATK, and takes 2 Consequential Damage per activation of either Basic Power. His card reads as is; Response: After Black Panther enters play, choose a Leadership (blue) event in your discard pile and attach it to him facedown. (Hint, it's going to be Summoning Spell). You may play the event attached to Black Panther as if it were in your hand.

Concept: We are using Call for Aid to search for Black Panther in order to get him out, while at the same time if Summoning Spell isn't in our hand, then it's highly possible that it will end up in our discard so that when we play Black Panther we can use his enter play effect to place it under him and then play it. Once you use Summoning Spell for the first time, and then get Black Panther out this deck is ready to roll. We have Rapid Response to recur Black Panther should he take a hit for us or die to consequential damage (which is something we want to happen because with Rapid Response we get to use Summoning Spell again!). Make the Call also helps us to replay Black Panther should we need it, so we've got options! The whole idea behind the deck is to constantly recur Black Panther and continually replay Summoning Spell over and over for big value.

There are however 2 Avenger's in the deck, the other being Quicksilver, so it is quite probable that on your first go around of the deck to not immediately hit Black Panther. That is why we run Order and Chaos because we can reliably get Quicksilver out (if we choose to do so, or through luck via Summoning Spell but that is a secondary goal).

We run The Power of Leadership to pay for Rapid Response, Black Panther, or the many uses that we will get out of Summoning Spell within a single game. We Shouldn't be using them on Adam Warlock or Beta Ray Bill but that is always a possibility should our hand suck...but wait we are playing Scarlet Witch! MWAHAHAHA

Standing at a lovely 0 cost Spiritual Meditation, these bad bois will be helping us filter through our deck to find the key combo pieces to keep this engine going, Oh Black Panther only has 2 health left, we've already played the Summoning Spell that was under him? No Make the Call in hand or Rapid Response in play? Well let's find some! Also don't forget about her AE ability to help filter, however you will have to hold off on playing the Summoning Spell should you be able to put it under Black Panther again as it is a Hero Action.

Allies: We are playing the big bois, and unfortunately we are wanting to steer clear of other Avenger's otherwise the whole point of the deck falls apart. Heimdall is pure value for Scarlet Witch's Hex Bolt, Nick Fury well he's Nick Freaking Fury like...straight walue, honestly the Allies are just there because they aren't Avengers, and they have good effects. We are wanting enter play effects after all, and I realize not all of them have those, but Beta Ray Bill and Adam Warlock are both good when summoned via a Summoning Spell. Also if you'd like to meme and really go with bringing only allies into play via Summoning Spell feel free to use Guardian Allies as you aren't playing them from your hand, but bringing them into play. Food for thought.


Oct 27, 2021 Master_GM · 572

I really like the concept it is a good idea. However, question, why not use Doctor Strange? He only has Wong as his ally who is not an Avenger. You can then run Call for Aid. It will get Black Panther into your hand so much faster and then you spam Summoning spell with all of the other non-Avenger characters.

Nov 04, 2021 Just_Jesting · 10

Hey sorry for getting back to you so late. I honestly should have put it in my write up for the deck that for all intensive purposes Doctor Strange is a much more streamlined option and is significantly more consistent. But I have a soft spot for Scarlet Witch and I leaned into the more "chaoticness" of her. Plus she has great value in cards like Chaos Magic and her own built in deck filtering.

And as a side bonus her Order and Chaos with Quicksilver is a nice thing to have in conjunction with Warp Reality and it should be relatively easy to get Quicksilver into play when you need him for Order and Chaos