Vision - Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Vision - v1 0 0 0 1.0
Vision - v1 0 0 0 2.0
Vision - Take Your Daughter to Work Day 0 0 0 1.0

ClassyRobot · 5741

Vision has felt like one of Marvel Champion’s best kept secrets. He’s incredibly strong, wildly versatile, and arguably has the best ally in the game.

The biggest issue with him in the Aggression aspect, although it’s always been my favorite for Vis, is that it had issues in recurring the incredible Vivian. Now, Vision can bring his daughter to work.

This deck is a Swiss Army knife for scenarios. It comes stacked with 4 stuns, 4 confuses, piercing, ignore Crisis, and 2 Synthezoids.

The Villain is Stalwart? You have 3(!) allies who can burst 3 thwart each, keeping the threat in control in addition to Vis’ solid thwart game. That’s not even touching the damage in this deck. There’s a bit of it…

Pitchback after you Surprise Attack are aspect cards together that are on hero card curve (8 damage for 4er), and arguably better since you can split it up between 2 targets. Other heroes can do this, but it might as well be exclusive to Vision as he can do it so easily with his form changing.

With just Martial Prowess and either Solar Gem or Deft Focus, if you flipped from intangible to dense, you could afford this combo AND Solar Beam, making a 15 damage turn very likely (17 at least with a basic attack!) OR 8 damage/7 thwart!

Density Control. You ever have that feeling that you love Aggression, but you just need more cards in your hand to do all that fun stuff? At the very least, on a turn you flip to Dense, you are looking at a tasty 7(8 if you use both copies) card Hero hand, either setting up massive damage turns, or maybe just controlling the board and grabbing that needed for Drop Kick while still having cards and damage to spare. This can pick up ANY Vision event in the discard, so if you need a clutch defense next turn or piercing to start the assault, as long as it’s in the discard get Mass Increase or Superdense Strike, respectively.

Solar Gem and Martial Prowess together all but guarantee you get Drop Kick with its kicker. That’s 1 net er for 4 damage and a stun.

You and Your Synthezoid: An Operator's Manual:

  • It will be rare to not switch forms in a round, the bonus card switching to Dense is too good to pass up. Intangible is deceptively strong for its damage reduction.
  • The only time I’m not switching is if Mass Increase is in hand and needs to shut down 2 villain activations, but that’s very rare.
  • Order of importance for upgrades are as follows: Solar Gem > Deft Focus = 616 Hickory Branch Lane > Martial Prowess >Combat Training > Vision's Cape.
  • It's not a bad idea to hold on to Surprise Attack if you're on a turn where you swap to Intangible, particularly if you have either of your resource generators out. Although you can't use it when you flip to Intangible, it’s ready to go when you flip back to dense, and you’re still drawing 5 new cards even when you hold onto it (draw up to hand size + the extra when you flip to dense)
  • Vivian, sweet Vivian. What's your current problem on the board? Flip to which side needs to boost your daughter and it's gone. #prouddadmoments.

Thanks for checking this out!


Nov 30, 2022 b3ar · 1

I have only played Vision with Justice so far. Bit this looks really good, though. I‘ll have to try it. Press the Advantage seems odd, is it worth it?

Nov 30, 2022 ClassyRobot · 5741

Hey @b3ar! I’d say Press the Advantage is probably the biggest flex spot. I like it a lot for this deck as you are often not immediately flipping down and can get the card draw from a confuse as well as Mass Increase sets it up nicely. You could replace it with a different 1 cost atk card you prefer or even something like Skilled Strike for more physical resources. Whenever I include that though I draw it on turns I need to thwart haha. For anything more expensive I’d say No Quarter wouldn’t be a bad include. Clobber would only be effective half the time as Surprise Attack will go before it. Cheers!

Dec 01, 2022 b3ar · 1

I was thinking of No Quarter as well. But I guess I‘ll try it with the published version first. Thanks for sharing.