Cap N Company (11 allies) - 5 allies in play. 50 cards. Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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jcustar07 · 1

This is a fun avenger ally themed deck. Steve Rogers' Living Legend ability makes for a great ally driven deck. The Living Legend ability works best in solo mode. You can also make it work in a 2 player game, but only with good communication. I wouldn't use this deck with 3 or 4 players.

The general idea is to get as many allies in play as quickly as possible. Every ally in this deck has the Avengers trait except for the cap specific Agent 13. She should only be used if you draw her extremely early in the game. Otherwise she is just a resource OR can be used for cap's I can do this all day ability.

I put just enough ally upgrades to help keep Giant-Man and Ronin strong, with lot's of health. You have 3X Team Training supports so that you can give every ally +1 health. The Triskelion and Avengers Tower are there so that you can have 5 allies (6 if one of them is Stinger) in play. Quinjet X2 makes it easier to pay for the allies.

If you wanted to use less cards, or you wanted to change this deck then you could swap out any number of the event cards. They are all beneficial to allies with the priority of keeping them alive. For instance, there are 3X Teamwork events so that you could use an allies ATK or THW without causing Consequential Damage. However, none of the events in this deck are "essential." They just really boost the deck. Lead from the Front is super OP when you have 5 allies and a 'I can do this all day' Captain America.

I hope you enjoy!