

Coût: 2.

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1 max par joueur.

Ressource : inclinez Nerfs d'Acier → générez une ressource pour un événement Défense.

Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Vif-Argent #17.
Nerfs d'Acier

Although the transcription doesn't say it, this only generates a resource for a defense event. The card picture gives the correct text.

As for a review, it's a decent card, although there aren't that many non-zero cost defense cards that this can target at this moment, so you really need to be running quite a few in order to get usage out of this. So far, I believe that all hero defense events cost 0, so there's no extra value in running this in any specific hero as of yet. Maybe once Groot comes out, there will be some better options.

Saan · 4012
A hero who might in theory use a lot of defense events is quicksilver. — L3w15 7 · 11613
However he won't get much use from this because frictional resistance can pay for these events instead and will ready immediately since quicksilver will always ready in the villain phase. — L3w15 7 · 11613

Since the last review, there are a bunch of good defenses like Side Step, Jump Flip, and Powerful Punch that this pays for and the Flow Like Water deck that incentivizes playing lots of Defense events. I don't think you can play this outside that deck because you need a lot of Defenses to justify this card, and playing a lot of Defenses gives you diminishing returns without that combo. You can also play lots of Defenses in a multiplayer game where it's possible to defend twice or more in one round for other players.

Stretch22 · 869
Extremely frustrating that this upgrade provides an Energy resource instead of a Fist. — kevinrbrown · 14