
RRG 1.6 states that the Villain Cards are Encounter Cards, and that Villain Defeat results in revealing the next stage of the villain. Therefore, you are revealing an encounter card when you move to the next villain stage. Does this card turn all games into Rookie Mode?

Doc7 · 5
Villain cards cannot be discarded from play. I couldn't find a great answer as to whether or not this could still be used to cancel the villain's "When Revealed" ability though. Doesn't seem right but can't find the ruling against it — Stretch22 · 559
Call for Aid

Great in Domino. Note that Jackpot doesn’t stay at the bottom when you whiff. As soon as your deck is empty, you shuffle your discard back in. Jackpot gets shuffled in after that. Currently running Captain Marvel as my only target.

Psionic Shield

In the FAQ 1.6 change a little bitr the text of this card:

Should read: “Forced Interrupt: When attached minion would leave play, instead heal all damage from that minion. Then, discard this attachment.” (Removed “and put it back into play”.)

Freakmod · 99

In the FAQ 1.5 Change the text accoding to the timing:

Should read: “Forced Response: After Bonebreaker engages you, take 1 indirect damage for each Reaver minion engaged with you.” (Changed “Forced Interrupt” to “Forced Response”.)

Freakmod · 99
Manipulated Mind

In the Faq 1.5 said:

Should read: “When Revealed: Attach to the ally you control with the lowest cost. Attached ally engages its controller. Otherwise, this card gains surge.” (Added “Attached ally engages its controller.”)

Freakmod · 99