Luke Cage

Core set card without review about 5 years from launching the game? It can't be...

Luke Cage is a 4-cost Protection blocker with the tough and 5 health. Only 9 other aspect cards got 5+ health. In minimum he can block twice and attack for 2. So it's like 1ER for 2 attack (standard rate) and 2ER per block which is like got 2 ally for cost 1. Not bad.

In solo this card is a little slow, but if you got a lucky 3 blocks it's very solid. In multiplayer when there is a chance for more minions, he is still a solid option.

I rate him B (for strategy with blocking) and his value goes down with the more hitting villains.

nosiak · 47
Looking for Trouble

A great example of a Solo-Only/scenario dependent card. In multiplayer you should never be so desperate for thwarting that you'd risk decking the villain and giving them an Acceleration Token. This card may have a place vs. The Badoon where there are 12 minion targets while playing a specialized minion slaying deck. Other than that niche situation, this is a never include card.

Follow Through

In True-Solo tempo is often better than building a board and this card may struggle to justify its own cost. As player count increases though this card's value spikes massively. Every extra player is another encounter card per turn and thus higher minion odds. More minions = consistent excess damage targets, not to mention rush playstyles stop working. In these instances having a build out option that enables more healing, threat removal, and overkill damage is fantastic. At Solo I'd grade this card D due to short games and incredibly rare opportunities to utilize excess damage. At 2 I'd grade this at B, coinflip consistency unless intentionally playing minion heavy scenarios. At 3 it shoots up to A+ and at 4 S+, generally playable in every scenario and typically one of the best things you can play turn 1. If you had to choose between playing this and dropping an 8 damage Lunging Strike turn 1 this will always be worth more, with the opposite being true in Solo.


Husk is arguably the best ally in the game. With the right combo of resources, this card can thwart or attack in multiple combinations several times every turn, never dying unless you just need her to in an emergency situation. This is absolutely a staple must-have for any Justice deck!

Ganfury · 42
Best ally in the game is...quite a stretch. She has poor baseline efficiency, and her interrupt uses resources fairly inefficiently as well except for the Heal. An onboard resource sink is nice but Husk is far from a staple — Stretch22 · 664
Back to the Future

Nemesis side schemes are hard to really evaluate, so you may not see them in most games. But this one is really great on theme. Cable just has to deal with Stryfe on his own terms. Additionally, I love that you can't fight the villain while this side schemes in play.