
Psionique. Super-pouvoir.

Coût: 1.

Jouez cette carte uniquement si votre identité a le trait PSIONIQUE.

1 max par joueur.

Action de héros (contre) : inclinez Télépathie et dépensez les ressources suivantes : → retirez 2 menaces d'une manigance.

Psylocke #24.

2 resources for 2 thwart is about as bad a rate as it gets, not to mention the up front cost to put this in play. There are a handful of upsides such as this being Psionic for Psimitar and giving you an excuse to play 3x The Power of the Mind without them going to waste on a resource-heavy hand. In protection or aggression, which struggle for unconditional threat removal, you could probably play this, but look to your basic allies first.

Stretch22 · 966
Definetaly agree. I have never ran this in a deck. — tunicv · 697
I had a few rounds with Psylocke where I had this in play and no cards in hand at the end of my turn. I was able to exhaust both my Psy knives and this for an easy 2 threat removal when I otherwise wouldn't have been able to do anything. I probably wouldn't include this in any other hero's deck, though. — erikw1984 · 29