
Donnez cette carte au joueur de Wanda Maximoff.

Vous pouvez passer sous forme d'alter ego. Choisissez :

• Inclinez Wanda Maximoff → retirez Santé Mentale Précaire de la partie.

• Défaussez les 5 cartes du dessus du deck Rencontre. Pour chaque icône étoile () dans le champ de boost ainsi défaussée, placez 1 menace sur la manigance principale. Défaussez cette obligation.

Miguel Sepulveda
La Sorcière Rouge #23. La Sorcière Rouge #-1.
Santé Mentale Précaire

Amazingly good obligation. Never remove it from the game - the threat added is negligible on most villains and generic encounter cards are way more dangerous on newer villains. The boost icons will often work in your favor as they generate a status effect for Hexbolt. Drawing it as a boost on villian activation is the only time its bad for you, but luckily SW can redraw.

azmodael · 3
I might totally be missing something but how does it help hex bolt? Hex Bolt is a hero action, not a hero response/interrupt. You cant chain one onto the other, gotta resolve them separately. Having said that, it does seem fairly mild. — Fates · 3