

Coût: 2.

Action de héros (attaque) : infligez 2 dégâts au méchant (5 dégâts à la place s'il n'y a aucune menace sur la manigance principale).

"C'est pas vraiment ce que j'avais en tête... mais ça fera l'affaire !" — Rocket Raccoon
Gamora #29.
Tournant Décisif

I love the concept but I think this card is overcosted by 1...
3 Effective Resources (ER) for 5 damage under condition is not good. And obviously, 2 damage is terrible.

I think 1 ER roghly equal to 2 damage so 2 ER would still be bad for 2 damage but would reward you for taking care of the main scheme by giving you a bit more value than usual but with a condition.

And damaging the villain is the least powerful thing to do on your turn since it doesn't address any types of encounter cards. I would prefer cards that hit minions or the villains, even if they are less efficient — Stretch22 · 954
I looked at this card and thought, "I'll never use this". Naturally, for the next game my wife was the justice character and played it at the end to just barely win the game for us. — Bad Horse · 14