

Coût: 2.

Interruption de héros : quand Drax est censé être vaincu, fixez ses points de vie à 4 à la place, passez-le sous forme d'alter ego, et retirez cette carte de la partie.

Rodrigo Catraca
Drax #11. Drax #15.
Trop Têtu pour Mourir

Another necessary card in Drax's kit. He wants the villain to attack, so he's going to take a lot of punishment particularly outside of Protection. Even though you can only use it once, it may help you win the game if you're aggressively attacking for the win.

DoxaLogos · 242
On first reading of this card I thought that it only bought you one turn (4HP) but after playing Drax I realized that you're often going to have all three Vengeance Counters on him at that point. So you reset to 4 and then heal 6 on the flip due to the Alter-Ego Forced Response. CLUTCH! — SoloMarvelChampion · 3092