This is a cool idea for a card but doesn't really work out in practice. If you've boosted your attack enough to want to play this, you should just be using your attack as your basic activation and not defending. If you search the site for decks using this card, there are a lot of Brute Force decks that build up a high ATK stat and use it for this card, Quick Strike, and Smash the Problem. This looks like a fun casual strategy but it crazy inefficient if you are building for power. It's also in a few Ghost-Spider lists since it's an Interrupt you can play during the villain phase.
Coût: 0.
Interruption de héros (défense) : quand votre héros défend contre une attaque, utilisez son ATQ au lieu de sa DEF pour cette attaque.
"Je sais bien qu'on est les Gardiens de la Galaxie, mais je préfère tirer que me faire tirer dessus." — Rocket Raccoon
Valkyrie #20.
