

Coût: 2.

Tant que vous êtes sous forme de masse Dense, vous gagnez Riposte 1.

Tant que vous êtes sous forme de masse Intangible, vous gagnez Robuste.

La capacité de contrôle de la densité de Vision s'étend à son costume et à sa cape.
Juan Santacruz
Vision #6. Vision #5.
Cape de Vision

What? Heroes get "Stalwart" now! Nice. Too bad it only works on one density form, but I guess it makes sense being on the "Intangible" side. I don't know if it's a high priority card, but it is nice.

DoxaLogos · 238
It only 'works' in one density form, but you can always change form to turn it on, and becoming Stalwart discards any Stun and Confuse status cards. That doesn't help if you start Dense, are stunned, and want to attack, but it is still important to remember. — Death by Chocolate · 4
Very true. — DoxaLogos · 238