

Coût: 1.

Action de héros (attaque) : infligez 2 dégâts à un ennemi. Si cet ennemi est vaincu par cette attaque, infligez 2 dégâts à un ennemi.

"J'ai plus d'un atout dans sa manche, mesdames et messieurs." — Moon Girl
Nova #14.
Chacun son Tour

If you can't defeat an enemy with this, it's not very good at two damage for 1+card. If there are any minions in play, it's usually easy enough to tee one of them up to be defeated, and then you can get four damage for 1+card, which is pretty good.

Shout out to Ms. Marvel who can Embiggen! for a fantastic eight damage in total.

Fry · 259
Does Embiggen add to the 2nd attack though or is it deal 4, then 2? — AgentPhil · 1
4 then 4 — Doc7 · 8