This card is amazeballs. It provides a permanent bonus (making Colossus a 2 THW) and provides him with unprecedented card draw. Colossus' gameplay conceit is that he uses tough status cards as currency, which makes this upgrade a card draw funnel. The best part about Colossus is that he gains a Tough whenever he changes to Hero form, so there is always grist for whichever mill you choose to exploit.
Coût: 2.
Colossus gagne +1 CTR.
Réponse de héros : après qu'une carte d'état Tenace a été défaussée de Colossus, piochez 1 carte.
"La volonté de Pete est tout aussi inébranlable que son armure. Il n'abandonne jamais." — Wolverine
La Genèse des Mutants #4. Colossus #3.
