Jean Grey


Psionique. X-Men.

Coût: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Réponse : après que Phénix est entrée en jeu, choisissez une carte du set Cyclope de votre pile de défausse et ajoutez-la à votre main.

"Nous affronterons tout cela ensemble, Scott. Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare."
Cyclope #2. Cyclope #1.

I really like this card. It is a very solid all rounder card that is good for almost all Cyclops decks. I also really like the art here, except her face is in a very weird expression. The quote is also great showing the bond between Ms. Grey and Cyclops. Ok, so on paper this card is 3 2 2 3 (3 cost, 2 thwart, 2 attack, 3 health). But her response allows her to grab any Cyclops card so it basically goes down to a 2 2 2 3, which is insanely strong with no drawbacks. I almost always play this card when it is in my hand and wouldn't make any changes to it.

Rating: (A+:C-) A

tunicv · 624

Her response is handy for retrieving your Ruby Quartz Visor, if you had to discard it for some reason. It's also a great feeling when you are trying to close out a game, and can use her fetch your single copy of Full Blast. I had a game once end by me exhausting Cyclops to attack, playing Phoenix, fetching Full Blast, then re-readying Cyclops because I had Utopia in play, then playing Full Blast to end the game.

erikw1984 · 29