

Coût: 2.

Utilisations (3 jetons Judo). 1 max par joueur.

Interruption : quand vous défendez contre une attaque ennemie, retirez 1 jeton Judo de cette carte → cet ennemi a -2 ATQ pour cette attaque.

Malicia #14.
Compétences de Judoka

If you compare it to Med Team, it's 1 resource cheaper, but you can't use it to affect your allies' hit points. However, its usability isn't limited if you are at full HP. Both save/restore up to 6 HP.

Compared to the likes of Desperate Defense or Never Back Down it doesn't give you any sort of kicker for not taking any damage, but do keep in mind it also doesn't thin out your hand during the villain phase when you use it, which I believe is a key point for them. And you can always stack it with defense events to make it easier or to ensure you won't take any damage!

Alatreon · 107

The previous review compared this card to Med-Team which I believe is a bad comparison. Med-Team is a pseudo-defensive card. Its actual value comes from allies converting the healing into Thwart/Attack, generally making it 3-cost for 6 thwart/attack on average. I believe Judoka Skill and Forcefield Generator are a better comparison. Both allow for 6 damage mitigation. The trade-off is losing the tech trait, which means no Synergy with Repurpose, but a cheaper cost.

Limited by only working when you defend - i.e. you can't use it to reduce damage from an attack you facetank without defending. This makes it best with heroes who have little or no opportunity cost in defending: Quicksilver (who can basic-defend then ready with his Super Speed ability), Nightcrawler (who can defend without exhausting thanks to Bamf!), and Domino (who can go into defend state when attacked by a villain or villainous minion with Lucky and Good).

Letterdenma · 207