Fantomex is one of the most unique allies, and even one of the most unique cards, in the game. Off the top of my head, I can't think of another card that searches for another card in your deck by name and puts it into cool! Fantomex + E.V.A. is a lot more versatile than a 2 THW / 2 ATK ally since you can do different combinations of thwart and damage or hit two different targets. To reach expected efficiency though, you need to use E.V.A four times, which is pretty slow. Fantomex has some redeeming qualities like great traits - Psionic enables a Psimitar / The Power of the Mind deck, and X-Force combos with Caliban or Uncanny X-Force. Perhaps the most popular use of Fantomex will be as another Voltron ally since with E.V.A. healing him, he essentially takes no consequential damage like Yondu but for both THW and ATK. This is a slow, easily disrupt-able strategy in challenging scenarios, but can be very fun to do in a lighter game. You need some extra incentive to use Fantomex in a deck besides rate alone, but it is such a sweet card that I wouldn't blame anyone for trying it out.
Charlie Cluster-7
Psionique. X-Force.
Coût: 4.
Health: 3.
Attack: 1.
Thwart: 1.
Réponse : après que Fantomex est entré en jeu, cherchez E.V.A. dans votre deck ou votre pile de défausse et mettez-la en jeu. (Mélangez.)
"E.V.A. est plus qu'un véhicule. Elle est ma partenaire. Elle est ma mutation."
NeXt Evolution #15.

Monica Chang and Multiple Man are the two others I can think of that do something similar. But this seems to me like a solid card if you want to look at it less like an ally you're going to use like other allies (where you get some use and then you chump them) and functions instead more like a support that you keep out all game. Just removing tough cards every turn seems like a good enough use on the surface. You do need the economy to afford playing him so it's no auto-include. But as mentioned you can do some fun Voltron things to add onto the "cool" factor, because cards like this are always fun to play..
· 48
I hope they explore this idea more; a card designed to interact with a specific second card. It's an easy way to give a deck a concept.
· 1
Just writing this to provide a quick link to the E.V.A. card for those looking at Fantomex.
Since this review has to be 200 character or more, I find it odd that they've wrapped this ally into two cards. Fantomex is rather expensive for not super impressive stats, but with E.V.A. he becomes in effect, either a 2/2 ally, or a 1/1 ally that basically takes no consequential damage. I suppose those that want to voltron him with upgrades he could be very solid.