

Coût: 0.

Interruption de héros : quand Honey Badger contre ou attaque, ajoutez le pouvoir correspondant de X-23 à celui de Honey Badger pour cette utilisation.

"Tapes m'en cinq !" — Honey Badger
Ted Brandt & Ro Stein
X-23 #7. X-23 #10.
Des Sœurs Unies

This is one of those times that I think one copy kind ruins the card's appeal.

This is a fantastic card that plays directly into the synergy between X-23 and her intrinsic ally. But to only allow it to happen once? So sad.

I get that X-23 and Honey Badger synergize so well that they decided to be careful. But I honestly think that the X-23 pack would be better with two of these and one less Claw Mastery. Particularly since you can only use one of those per round.

That said, this can be a devastating card on a round where X-23 fully buffs her ATK with X-23's Claws and Claw Mastery.

I just feel like X-23 is so susceptible to retaliation and has to make so many attacks in a game, that another copy of this card would be reasonable.

But it would probably make it so that X-23 was only played as a Honey Badger voltron deck, so maybe they made the right call?

Nah. Give me two of these and let me worry about which aspect I play X-23 in. lol

MacGhille · 269
This card can be put back into the deck from the Discard to Draw a Card in Alter Ego. There might be only one but this means it'll be used way more. Especially considering that and HB are the only options to fund the card draw. — DeadlyNuisance · 1