Julio Richter



Coût: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 1.

Réponse : après que Rictor a attaqué, défaussez la carte du dessus de votre deck. Infligez 1 dégât à chaque sbire engagé avec vous pour chaque icône de ressource défaussée par cet effet.

X-23 #14.

Rictor is a solid card that meets the expected value for a 3-cost ally with no use of his Response, and he can output ridiculous extra damage when the stars align. That makes him a card I'm happy to include in any Aggression deck even when the scenario doesn't have that many minions. Rictor is a must-have in a Domino deck as she doubles the resources counted on discarded cards or in a White Fox+Digging Deep deck looking to add ways to discard from the top of the deck. Should see a lot of play, especially when more X-Force support is in the game.

Stretch22 · 939