

Coût: 0.

Action de héros : défaussez des cartes du deck Rencontre jusqu'à ce que vous défaussiez un sbire. Mettez en jeu ce sbire engagé avec vous → soignez 3 dégâts de votre identité et donnez-lui une carte d'état Tenace.

Facundo Moyano
Diablo #16.
No image

One obvious home for this card is Thor, who draws two cards after engaging a minion. Because this ability triggers once each phase, Thor benefits tremendously from having another card that can pull a minion in the player phase besides Defender of the Nine Realms. Aggression has long had an option with Looking for Trouble, but now Protection is a more viable choice for Thor too. The new Change of Fortune archetype can also benefit from "Come Get Me, Bub", ensuring a minion will be in play to defeat during the next villain phase.

Outside of a minion-focused strategy, some heroes may simply value the heal and tough status in hero form and are fine to handle a minion as an extra cost. Drax is an example of a hero who wants to stay in hero form as much as possible once his vengeance counters are built up. An extra way to heal him in hero form goes a long way to keeping his damage train rolling. Just remember that the effective cost of "Come Get Me, Bub" is the card from hand plus the resources needed to kill the minion, so it's not always an efficient play for the average deck.

I'm posting a bit before Magneto's release, but I'm sure he will enjoy this card to find targets for Wrapped in Metal, which in turn fuels the highly efficient Magnetic Missile. One last shout-out I have to give is for Psionic heroes who can use Psychic Misdirection to redirect a villain attack towards a minion, a powerful but usually hard to pull off effect. This deck by journeyman2 is the most-liked deck currently on marvelcdb using "Come Get Me, Bub":

Stretch22 · 954