Gambit asks you to gamble on what’s on top of the encounter deck, as he can range from embarrassingly bad to extremely powerful. A 2/2 is where you want him to be satisfied with the value. If there are 10 cards with 2 boost icons in a 30 card encounter deck, you’re about 70% to hit one of them. Not perfect, but consider that if you miss and only get 1 boost icon, you still got some value from seeing the top of the encounter deck, and you know exactly what the next boost and/or encounter card will be to plan accordingly. In particular, that boost card will only have 0 or 1 icons, enabling a safe flip to Alter-Ego or taking an attack without wasting a block. Then there’s the upside of sometimes hitting a 3-icon card! Not the most consistent ally, but a fun one for sure who should at least pull his weight in most cases, especially when the X-Men trait is relevant.
Rémy Lebeau
Voleur. X-Men.
Coût: 3.
Health: 3.
Attack: X.
Thwart: X.
X est le nombre d'icônes de boost () de la carte qui se trouve sous Gambit.
Réponse : après que Gambit est entré en jeu, regardez les 3 cartes du dessus du deck Rencontre et intercalez l'une d'elles sous Gambit de telle sorte que seul son champ de boost soit visible.
Diablo #21.
No image
- Gambit Gambit #1
- Gambit: Remy LeBeau Rogue #3
You could even (extremely rare case) get four boost icons on an encounter card.
· 95
Wouldn't you shuffle after looking and picking one of the encounter cards?
· 21
Hmm, I guess not, I see it now.
· 21