Iron Man Prot Core only

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scion0110 · 1365

protection iron man with core set only cards. use iron man's huge health pool plus the ability to ready up multiple times a turn to block for you and an ally. use med bays and first aid to extend the time you can stay in hero form


May 19, 2020 DerkMcgerk · 1

Testing this deck with addition of 3 counter-punch

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1365

Could be cool if an aggression player gives you combat training. The reason I didn't include it is because it deals damage equal to iron man's attack which would be 1.

May 19, 2020 DerkMcgerk · 1

So I gave it a like and favorite cuz I definitely see the potential. I Lost against rhino but I think it’s cuz I’m still learning the game so I don’t best know how to play the cards and pace myself between attack and scheme control.

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1365

Iron man is generally one of the weakest solo just because of his setup time. Prot really got a buff with the Ms marvel pack because you get energy barrier, tackle and a few other good cards for Prot solo. This list is just so if someone is just starting out they can get a baseline of what they can run. If you love playing Prot I would buy the Ms. Marvel pack if possible.