SCL Season 6 Round 2 - Captain Marvel vs Crossbones [Experi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
SCL S06R02 0 0 0 1.0

L3w15 7 · 11225

SCL Season 5 Round 2 - Captain Marvel vs Crossbones [Experimental Weapons & Legions of Hydra] + Anachronauts [Standard] No more than 2 Upgrades in deck by name.

I chose Captain Marvel this week as from the available options she was a strong damage heavy hero who wasn't particularly affected by the upgrade restriction.

The idea was to build quite an aggressive protection deck - for the most part this was an easy scenario to win UNLESS legions of hydra came up. So by winning quickly the chances of that occurring are minimised.

Overall the deck performed well - would probably change ever vigilant out though. I found myself never really wanting to actually play cosmic flight so never actually had the aerial trait for it. I also never actually played tackle - I found myself always having ways to block so never needed the stun since both of my 4 cost allies block 3 attacks each.

The deck is a little lighter on energy resources than would be ideal so adding some of those would have helped as well.

Whilst not energy resources, I do think momentum shift and fighting fit could have worked well in here to further guarantee a high damage output.