Drax solo thw, draw and heal (protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Venomized93 · 1

This deck tries to heal allys (focused on Mantis) and Drax with medical team, first aid, and prevent to be stunned with nigth nurse. Also have cards of damage mitigation to avoid defend and be able to use the "master of dwi theet" to draw cards. If you prepare you hero with N.G.I.I you could draw more cards and defeat all the minions. Playing Drax in solo play is needed to have cards of THW, so you could use your allys to THW and and bait and switch. With bait and switch you could be attacked to increase the vengance counters and prevent damage with defensive stance.

I have doubts to include Avengers Mansion or a resource generation, and depend of the villain you will have to change some cards, but this is the core.


Jun 25, 2021 neothechosen · 10666

Unfortunately Ever Vigilant only works for AERIAL heroes. Maybe invest these slots in more allies to thwart?

Jun 26, 2021 Venomized93 · 1

You're rigth, I have already change this cards to others, thanks!