Hulk can smash, but can he protect?

Card draw simulator

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SquigglyDiagram · 1

So we have Hulk that can smash but do we have a Hulk that can protect?

After getting the new Guardian cards, we have some really good Protection cards. Now, this has not been tested yet and it came to me on a whim. I feel it is lacking, I'm just not sure what aside from resource generators(which are just generally too expensive for Hulk to even play)

The main strategy with this deck I'm going for is to use Hulk to defend as much as possible. We have desperate defense, indomitable and Leading blow for that. Let's go over some of the cards.

Leading Blow- One of the new cards in Drax's pack. At first glance, I didn't overly like this card. But after testing with hero's who already have a pretty high base attack, you'll usually be getting your ready up. So Hulk can do that small smash and be ready for a defend on the villain turn. Overall, a very good card.

Desperate Defense- Hulk already has a beefy defense of three. Slap a armored vest on him, and then use this, that's six defense. A lot of villains don't overly have that kind of power to break that defense unless they're well equipped.|

Subdue- One of my favorite cards in protection. Anything that can medigate damage and be super cheap is already great in my books. Combos well with desperate defense , making the enemy loss 3 attack, to ensure that ready up.

Access the Situation- Hulk has a terrible hand size of four, we want our big man to have pretty solid range of options.

Now the issues. Hulk's ability is horrible. Having to discard your whole hand at the end of your turn isn't very good. Especially with events. Which are going to be the bread and butter of your deck. However, the curve cost is low and a few of Hulks kit cards sit on the board. So we can deck thin getting back to our defense events fast.

Overall, I would like to somehow add resource generators in the deck, even if it's just a helicarrier but I'm very stingy with decks, Even this 41 card deck bothers me. If you have the time to try it out, please do and comment what you like, what you would change, if it's suitable for multiplayer!


Jul 12, 2021 rstorcdk · 4761

Anything reactionary on Hulk is bad. His Hero Power is just not suited for that kind of playstyle. I remember his starter deck and"you'll pay for that". A dead card that I never had on the villains turn.