Black Widow - Team Card Advantage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ruztedshut · 13

This deck was built for a 3-4 player game.

The goal is to abuse Maria Hill's Response and help the team draw extra cards during your turn.

Rapid Response is the all-star of this deck when you combine it with Safe House #29 and Black Widow's Gauntlet.

It means you can realistically trigger Maria Hill 2-3 times a turn if the conditions are right.

With Rapid Response on the battlefield you can play Maria Hill, draw a card and thwart with her, play Get Ready to enable her to thwart again. She will become defeated which triggers Rapid Response allowing you to get her back on 1 hit point. Swap to Alter-Ego and use Safe House #29 and Black Widow's Gauntlet to replay the Rapid Response and be set up for next turn.

You can reliably cycle like this, going back and forth and always ensuring you’ve got Maria ready to go. It is especially useful if you have a make the call in hand and can afford to have her take some hits for your allies.

With so many cards that stay out on the table you're more then likely to be able to assemble this combination on the 2nd time through the deck resulting in bonus cards for your team.