Hulk - Makes Math Easy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Daringhour7 · 71

Great thematic deck for teaching beginners or kids. Also good for two-hand solo because it greatly reduces the number of decisions needed.

A lot of 1 and 3 cost cards (Hulk likes) all with physical resources.

Basically , switch to hero and don’t look back. When you get your turn you most likely have two possible choices—play 2x 1-cost cards or 1x 3-cost card. Only play a 2-cost card if you have a double resource card to support it, then play a 1-cost card. Clobber can sub as a 1-cost card since it bounces back to your hand. Leave nothing on the table.

Banner’s Laboratory may show up and wreck your turn when you need physical resources—guess that’s makes it a game.

‘Nuff said


Sep 10, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

Totally agree with your deck being great for beginners and kids that is very needed in some games I have tried to set up. I typically have used captain marvel with energy.

I have built a similar deck but there are definitely some differences that add to the complexity. I still think the easiest inclusions I would change would be martial prowess and deft focus that help with his economy. I know that deft focus is energy I also break that rule and add an endurance as well.

Other options: I have included jarnbjorn and mean swing combo its pretty powerful when you get it together. Plus you can always spend a physical resource to add to you basic attack

Also with mockingbird instead of target acquired you can utilize espionage for increased hand size. They sit out on your board, are physical resources and give you a huge boost with card draw when they hit. You can be smart and research how many surge cards a villain will have. If there aren't that many then you can stick with target acquired.

Sep 13, 2021 Daringhour7 · 71

Appreciate the suggestions. Agreed, there is some room to squeeze some more juice out of Hulk. I was really focused on the easy part. I was kinda surprised when it worked out in playtesting…pretty much continuous 8-14 damage per round.