Drawing Cards for Everything -- Rocket Guardians Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saan · 3840

Rocket Leadership is already a fairly well-known archetype for the little fuzzy bugger. I'm also a big fan of Rocket decks. This being the case, when I saw that Nebula's pack had a Team card for the Guardians of the Galaxy that made you draw cards by attaching upgrades to allies, I instantly thought of making a Guardians-themed variant. Rocket loves trashing those upgrades to draw, so why not draw when you play them as well?

The Guardians of the Galaxy! -- The Guardians!

are mostly Basic cards. Also, Knowhere, which lets you draw even more, is also basic. Probably wanna shove Helicarrier in there, cause there's a lot of 1-cost upgrades that are nice to make free, plus most of the Guardians cost 3, so that lines up well with a Helicarrier and a double resource card.

This seems like a job for The Power in All of Us!

... but just 1. There's really not a ton of 2+ cost basic cards, so it's hard to justify a second copy, especially when Rocket already comes equipped with 2 Salvage in his deck. The rest of the deck is expensive enough, though, that 1 copy of Power is still nice, and gets used.

Let's get back to the Guardians. There's only so many to pack into the deck, so we play all the basic ones that we can, because we can. There's also 2 Leadership Guardians: Major Victory, and Yonduu.

We're leaving out Yonduu. I'll talk more about this at the end.

The Guardians of the Galaxy! -- The Card!

is pretty good. For one, it actually gives you a good reason to play all the Guardians card in a deck, other than thematic reasons. For another, drawing cards in a card game is good, and this lets you do that even more, and it's not even limited to once per turn!. The main thing you have to be careful of is to only play the Ally upgrades while you're in Hero form, otherwise you aren't a Guardian and don't get to draw a card.

The upgrades I've chosen for the deck are the ones I'd think you'd expect. Rocket himself is probably spending a lot of turns Thwarting, because it's his best stat, so I only included 2 Comms Implants, as Allies aren't going to be Thwarting as much. This being the case, 3 Laser Blasters seemed to be the best number, especially as Cosmo and Martinex only have ATK values of 1, and we wanna boost that a bit. Finally, a couple Reinforced Suits help extend that ol' HP, making Draxx swing for days, and help Groot become the eternal tree we all want him to be.

Salvage helps a lot here to get back spent upgrades, or upgrades that Cosmo has rudely thrown in the trash. There's also fun tricks you can do, such as trashing an attachment on an Ally in alt-ego to draw 2 cards, spending Salvage to play an Ally, putting the attachment back on top of your deck from Salvage, and then immediately drawing it with Knowhere from the Ally you played. Throw the attachment down and draw yet another card, bringing your total to 4 cards drawn so far.

For the last few cards slots, Team Training only makes sense for adding additional HP. The Triskelion is a late addition when I realized that with all these HP buffs, these dudes can live for a LONG time, so more ally slots were needed. Crew Quarters helps heal up for when we flip to trash things, and I think I like it better than Down Time in this deck.

Finally, there's the big finish: Blaze of Glory. There's just 1, because one is ALL YOU NEED, BABY. No, seriously, it's probably going to kill a few allies, so you don't exactly want to be pumping this thing all game long. If you're playing multi-player, remember, it also buffs your team-mate's Guardians! Also, you know... the damage to them.

Guardians of the Galaxy! -- not appearing in this film

Yonduu says hi.

Sadly, this just isn't the deck for him. He's super expensive, and you really have to buff the hell out of his attack in order to make him good, which means playing things like Inspired, which isn't a Tech upgrade, so I don't want it in Rocket. Also, you never want to play things like Comms Implant or Reinforced Suit on him, because you never want to Thwart with him, and he has infinite HP anyhow. Yonduu stays in the box for now.