Spider-Man Protection - Henry the Green Engine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MarvelMan · 2

This deck is about thinning out so you can keep defending and letting your allies wear down all the enemies and threat that comes your way.

Tips for this deck: I like to first hard mulligan (or aim to get out quickly) your Quincarrier and Avengers Mansion to enable the set-up. The Quincarrier keeps your hand up and allows for your defensive event cards to work, while the mansion keeps your card draw going even if you stun the villain (and preventing your Spider-Sense trigger form working. Once you get your Hard to Ignores out you're on the way to managing threat on the main scheme fairly easily - your allies should assist here as well where necessary for side schemes.

It's a fun deck with a slow build but once it gets cranking, it's pretty neat to play. Enjoy!