Teenage Rebel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ogseamus · 1707

This deck is made in response to the latest episode of Marvel Champions Monthly. They wanted to see a Basic only deck and I decided to do it with Ms. Marvel.

The goal of the deck is to get your deck as thin as possible so that you will get to your event cards faster. Enhanced Awareness, Enhanced Reflexes, and Enhanced Physique will allow you to have some extra resources on the table. Ideally, you would keep them at 1 Use to help keep your deck thinner.

Normally Basic events like Haymaker and To the Rescue! are not as good as aspect cards. However with Embiggen! and Shrink, they are closer to aspect events.

I also decided to be thematic with the allies, only using Inhuman and Champion traits. I am hoping with Sinister Motives box and the following wave we will get more Champion support.