Spectrum - Air Supremacy mk 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck follows a simple concept, that being supplying aerial allies to Spectrum and allowing her to use Air Superiority to sweep the table of minions. This deck is intended to be used against minion-heavy villains but should serve well against other villain types.

Using all Avenger allies, she has two inherent aerial allies (Blue Marvel and Falcon) and 3 sky cycles for her other Avenger allies to make them aerial as well as allowing them to ready when needed.

There is also the Mighty Avengers, Avengers Tower, and Team Building exercise to further benefit from playing Avengers allies and Team Training and Inspired to further boost their stats. Also, Iron Man can play his upgrades for free and Ronin gets further stat boosts for having them. Both Hawkeyes help with eliminating minions.

Strength in Numbers allows you a little more utility from your allies and First Aid can allow you to utilize the Sky Cycle to use an ally twice in a turn and then heal them completely. .