The Quick And The Dead

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dylanspeed · 1

All about giving Pietro strong attacks on repeat. With Reinforced Sinew, Combat Training, Brute Force, Maximum Velocity, Godslayer, Jarbjorn, and Mean Swing, a 13-point hit is possible. Ready again for a 7-point follow up. Ouch.

Endurance and Moment of Triumph there to offset low HP.

Ready To Rumble, Tenacity, and Recuperation included to keep him standing up when coming from alter side.

Friction Resistance can pay for Jarbjorn, Tenacity, Thor.

Possible to keep Bug in play for a long time with basic attacks being all but guaranteed each turn.

Solo can be tough if you pull Shadows Of The Past. Not a lot of thwarting to deal with Avalanches Incites. Might consider a rebuild with Chase Them Down.

Skilled Strike may be a better option than Mean Swing since it's not weapon dependent. Mean Swing combos best with Jarnbjorn, so if that's not in play, can be a dead card.