Hulk Aggression, Ronan Expert Rush Down (solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Descrygaming · 288

-=Hulk, Ronan expert rush down (solo)=-



Turn 1 Player phase: Step one, removing tough on Ronan either by cheap ally or audacity. Step two, hulk smash or high damage with hand cannon. If you do well on ramp (limitless strength) you might be able to even play a counterattack. Nick Furry with ramp can be very good on first turn.

Turn 1 Villain phase: chump block with ally, if able, and use the spaceship effectively to cancel advance or multiple attacks at your hero.

Turn 2 Player phase: try to flip Ronan if possible and set up for removing tough the following turn. You must change to alter so you can experimental and get a bigger hand size. If you took a thrashing (low hit points) you can put down a "ready to rumble" and heal next turn and flip, use "ready to rumble" to ready your hero. It will help you take advantage of counterattack (Ronan hit me for 12 damage one time).

Turn 2 Villain phase: He will scheme out the first main scheme (don't panic), because we have till turn 4 to kill Ronan or its game over.

Turn 3 Player phase: Step one, removing tough on Ronan either by cheap ally or audacity. Step two, SETTING UP A COUNTERATTACK, because he becomes stronger and usually has an extra boost card.

Turn 3 Villain phase: Survive.....

Turn 4 Player phase: KILL RONAN

THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG: pincer maneuver side scheme will end your game if it comes out on turn 1 . Hulk's obligation can also destroy your attempt, but "ready to rumble" can help. Unlucky encounter cards and getting both hulk smashes at the same time, feels bad man.

Other helpful tips: Play Angela in alter on turn one and get a quick strike guy (he won't be able to attack Bruce Banner). DON'T kill the minions except for the guard dude and use "bring it" to draw more cards. "Counterattacks" are the key to beating Ronan consistently, keep your health up.

Here is a link to me playing it: