Black Widow - Rapid Response Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck is set up to put allies into play that provide an immediate benefit when played. You can then burn through their hit points to trigger Rapid Response or Make the Call to put them back into play and trigger the benefit again.

Since Rapid Response is a a preparation, it can benefit from Black Widow's multiple preparation bonuses. The deck also includes Command Team and Get Ready to allow you to both take advantage of Mighty Avengers bonuses and to consume hit points to trigger Rapid Response and bring the character back to benefit from their ability again.

Maria Hill and Mockingbird and the only two non-Avengers in the deck and as such, can mess with Avengers Tower and Mighty Avenger's bonuses, but if that is an issue, they can simply be used as chump blockers to remove the issue. There is one copy of Honorary Avenger that can also help with this issue.

Two copies of United We Stand play against the core mechanic of the deck and can easily be removed, but are there for the situations when you do not have a Rapid Response available and need to use allies in a more traditional way. Helicarrier should also be switched out for Quincarrier if you no other heroes are using Quincarrier.