Spiderwoman: Iron Fist is a Rapid Responder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rocksteady1986 · 21

Upon Spiderwoman's release, I became a bit obsessed with finding synergy between aspects.

However, life got in the way and between work and having three kids 7 and under, I struggled to get games in.

Upon my re-entry into the game, I tested out a few decks. After several failed, I came upon this one, which went undefeated through the Rise of the Red Skull Campaign on expert mode. Not only did it go undefeated, it did not pick up any Obligations.

The idea is to simultaneously be able to build up and expand available resources while keeping the villain stunlocked or confused.

Key Cards and Combos: The Power of Leadership/Protection: One of the things that I think makes Spider-Woman amazing is her ability to access two of these powerhouse cards. Part of what led to my choosing leadership and protection for her is that I wanted the build to accentuate her kit, and both of these work nicely with her 2 resource leadership and protection cards.

Pheromones: Speaking of which, Pheromones is an amazing card. Because it's not an attack, it can go directly on the villain, even with a Guard keyword minion in play. Buying two turns of inaction from the villain, regardless of the board state is extremely powerful. If this is in hand, I am almost always prioritizing playing it.

Iron Fist/Brother Voodoo/Hawkeye/Rapid Response: All three of these cards use "enters play" terminology, which means that their effect is triggered again with Rapid Response. Iron Fist typically skips chump blocking to maximize his counters upon his return. Captain Marvel can also be a target for Rapid Response, though the synergy is obviously not nearly as powerful.

Iron Fist is typically the highest priority target, as this provides six damage and two stuns for three effective resources (rapid response) once the combo is set.

Black Widow/Quincarrier: This combo provides a control element that can be particularly helpful when facing the nastiest treachery cards.

Early Game: The early game is all about setting up. Cards to focus on in this situation include Helicarrier, Quincarrier and Finesse. Phermones and other stun cards also are extremely useful for buying time. Inconspicuous is very helpful for clearing the board.

Late Game: Strength in Numbers makes for an easy boost to Spider-Woman in hero form, while providing card draw and longevity to allies. Play moves more to utilizing Venomn-Blast and Self-Propelled Glide to begin hitting villains hard.

I have really enjoyed playing this deck. I hope others may try it out as well :)