Card draw simulator
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JWalton77 · 1304
Thanks to all the challenging content added to the game from the Hood scenario pack, suddenly it feels ok to play Doctor Strange again. This is my attempt to make the best deck possible for taking on Standard/Expert II and all those tough new modular encounter sets.
Ultimately it’s a pretty straightforward Strength in Numbers deck, focusing on Avengers allies in order to get the most friends in play as possible. If you have a turn or two to set up this deck should easily be able to manage the board and bring the villain down.
Early game you should focus on getting 2 or 3 allies in play and keeping them alive so you can take advantage of Band Together and Strength in Numbers. All those cards and resources should help you get Stephen’s key upgrades into play. If you are fortunate enough to have access to an early Winds of Watoomb and Master of the Mystic Arts to cast it twice, all the better.
Triskelion and Avenger’s Tower will let you have 5 allies in play, and Stinger makes 6. I usually don’t play Wong unless I’m in a really tight spot with the Invocation deck.
Your main defense strategy is the Seven Rings of Raggador, getting those tough status cards out on Strange and his allies. Don’t chump block unless you have to.
The main weakness early versions of this deck ran into was minion swarm. Strange doesn’t have a lot of ways to remove minions other than his big attack cards. Enter a card I’ve never looked at before: All For One. 3 damage for 2 resources isn’t necessarily great but having a couple more damage events in the deck really helped it. Plus you can pump it up to kill bigger minions if necessary. It also makes a great finisher, doing up to 10 damage with 6 allies and Strange himself.
So far this deck has beaten Loki, Red Skull, and Mutagen Formula on Standard II/Expert I. I haven’t tried Expert II because I don’t really like it for solo. Give it a try if you’re looking to take on some tough challenges!