The Unflappable Spider-Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Late · 1

Hi there!

Just some things I noticed playing this friendly Neighborhood Spidey and thoughts on the deck.

Okay so I found using your Hero to defend to be pretty underwhelming so far but with the influx of some new cards I came up with this deck and had a good time playing it.

The idea is to defend, not get damage, draw a card and untap. You will be staying in Hero form for a good part of the game.

This is accomplished by using Spidey's natural defense of 3, boosting it to 4 by wearing an armoured vest, playing desperate defense and throwing in an energy barrier counter if needed ... If all of that isn't enough... just Backflip! And then use unflappable :-).

Because Spidey gets to draw a card when the villain attacks you, I also like reactionary cards helping during the villain phase a lot more than usual. Most of the time I dont want to hold cards, I want to play then all and draw a full new hand - BUT if you get them just in time in the villain phase it feels much better - At least for me ;-) ...

Use the lightning reflexes for Nova to deal with minions. Help him out with that sweet 1 Black Cat DMG each round (or two if you find a friend to play inspired on her) use Heimdall as thwarter and to see if it's worth keeping one of the counter cards for the villain phase after all - Always try to keep your allies around with med team and nightnurse at least as long as possible.

What's a bit wierd is there are not that many expensive defense cards in the deck so Power of protection feels a bit awkward. Maybe cut down to one cause the deck is currently 41 cards anyway or cut them completely for something more useful.

If someone else called dips on the Quincarrier, I d put in another Helicarrier.

Endurance for 3 cheap health seems great and Aunt May has such nice heals... Definitely keep that one in.
