Groot Big Damage Build

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

svendj · 27

Protection - it's not just for damage prevention anymore! Groot is a unique hero in the sense that you can keep his health permanently at maximum with his high defense and growth counters, which makes Fighting Fit and Dauntless pretty good. Along with Root Stomp and I. AM. GROOT!, you have 12 2-cost events capable of dealing 5 or more damage. That gives aggression a run for its money!

Groot does need a lot of support to make this happen though. In order to stay at full health, you need to flip every turn to replenish your growth counters, so Hard to Ignore is mandatory. Armored Vest, Desperate Defense, Electrostatic Armor and Unflappable let you defend for profit. But the biggest help comes from Multiple Man. Playing him on turn 1 lets you thwart and defend for 3 turns while you set up. And on every run through the deck after the first you can do it again if you need to.

All in all this deck, along with Drax, is one of the few Protection decks that can use the green cards not to delay the win but actually speed it up.


Mar 05, 2022 Fry · 247

Could squeeze in Endurance somewhere to make Dauntless and Fighting Fit valid for longer, and possibly let you stay in hero form for an extra turn rather than flipping every turn.