Spider-Man Sneaky Leader

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marctimmins89 · 298

I'd like to try the new Leadership archetype out a bit more. I think Spider Man is a good fit for it as he requires next to no setup, he has natural 3 DEF to be able to defend (Allies sneak back out of play before chump blocking) and can heal very quickly using Aunt May if necessary to recharge the battery. Sneak Attacks are also really reliant on having the right cards in hand at the right time. Spidey's response draws extra cards into your hand for you. In playtesting I'll be looking to see if Make the Call is sufficient to get the allies I want at the right time, and if there is enough thwarting and ping damage to manage the board while I set up for the big plays.