Flash Thompson the Tank Engine (2.0) - Venom protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4865

updated version of my venom protection build.

Venom is an absolute Unit. He's beyond solid in every aspect and he can even make gross green protection cards look solid.

the main goal of this deck is to defend as often and as much as possible, we have a potential 7 defense while defending in this deck. we have access to great control pieces with grasping tendrils, mockingbird, and black widow. and we can use run and gun to ready our hero and weapons to be active in the player phase after completely negating the villain phase!

this deck is guranteed to get even your ancestors excited about playing protection, which is impressive as its everyones least favorite aspect. so some more about the build:

for the allies we are running some good blockers as well as utility pieces, black widow gives us access to some treachery cancel, brother voodoo helps us find key pieces, clea is the ultimate chump blocker, groot is another great blocker and mockingbird gives us access to stun.

For the event suite we are running some desperate defense to get us to 7 defense when we use our Def basic power paired with venom's pistols. we are also using shake it off to potentially give us a tough status card after we take any amount of damage, but really this card is for Groot to make him even more of a tank. Subdue is in here also to give us even more defense, its basically a 1 for 3 defense card and we can use it out of turn to help a teammate which is the real point of this card, if we are already exhausted we can use subdue to help protect another player.

supports we just have helicarrier for economy and med teams to heal our allies and teammates, we dont really need it ourselves with the amount of defense and healing we have from project rebirth. went down to 1 med team and added 1 defensive training to get some of those good events back we are using.

our upgrade package is pretty solid, armored vest to get a base 3 defense. electrostatic armor to give us a form of retaliate, 2 energy barriers for even more ping damage and damage reduction, hard to ignore helps us control some threat while doing what we already want to be doing. Indomitable gives us access to 3 readies after defending. and unflappable is really solid to help us replace some cards we will use in the villain phase.

there was only 1 real minor change to this list but it hums right along and almost makes protection enjoyable.