“Swords, Guns, and Flying Machines” - Hulk - Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

malfak · 15


"Hulk heard you think Hulk weak and hulk can't SMASH good. Hulk SMASH good! Hulk has swords, and guns, and flying machine, Hulk even have flying Machine Man. Hulk have Spider and Bird and Hulk SMASH puny villain in the FACE!"

This is an extremely straightforward Hulk Aggression deck built for multiplayer with cards up to The Mad Titan's Shadow. It can be played solo and is essentially a race to smash the villain before they scheme out.


Opening Hand:

Read the game state and make the call. If there is not a minion or an immediate threat then we're looking for typical setup cards: Helicarrier, Quincarrier, Enhanced Physique, Invulnerability, etc. Otherwise a situational ally like Mockingbird for the stun or Spider-Man or Machine Man for early threat removal.


One of the core concepts when building/playing a Hulk deck is "The rule of three or nothing." I like to build Hulk decks that utilize three costs cards and zero cost cards. Not a hard rule, but the concept is simple: With the limited hand size of four, you typically always play at least a 3 cost card. Have a resource card? great, play it and then you still have zero costs cards like Mean Swing or Skilled Strike.

Strategy is straightforward. Get the Flying Machines out to help get the swords and guns out and SMASH!

A typical turn might be something like this:

Attack action for base 3, Hand cannon for +2, Skilled Strike for +2. Mean Swing Jarnborn for +3, Jarnborn response for +2, Combat Training for +1, Boundless Rage +1. A 14 attack is not bad. If you can resource it, and there is certainly no reason why you can't, go ahead and add a Hulk Smash for 24 attack with overkill. Good times!

Invulnerability is expensive but it fits the rule of three and a tough status can be a real game saver keeping Hulk around for another crucial round.

Thank You for reading and have fun smashing your way to victory against the threat clock.

(Your table mates will hate you for playing Quincarrier but hulk not care.)