Steve Rogers, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chupacabra52 · 10

Just an idea I had for an AE solo deck. The only time you should go hero is at the beginning while getting your SHIELD pieces in place. After that, you should have ample resources to sit in alter-ego and play Homeland Intervention often, recycling them with Vigilante Training. I am not set on keeping the Trainings, just making sure the Interventions are there. Dum Dum is the heavy lifter of the deck, using your ready SHIELD cards you don't need each turn for big attacks on the villain. Sky-Destroyer also helps deal out damage since you should be able to trigger it almost, if not every turn. Field Agents are to reduce Dum Dums consequential damage and nothing else as you want to cycle Quake and Monica to keep an ally slot for Fury when you draw into him. Not sure how the deck would do in multiplayer, but I do not see many issues other than having to go hero to let someone else go AE for a turn to heal up, then you can take advantage of your hero cards which would otherwise just be resources.