Jessica Drew's Day Off

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PaybackJack · 29

They say crime never rests but Jessica's about to! She just can't be bothered slipping(flipping) into that costume today. She's going to do some meditation, ride her motorcycle and finally read that novel!

The intent of this deck is to be able to win without ever flipping to hero form. We do this by utilizing the two most broken new cards in the Sinister Motives expansion Global Logistics and Homeland Intervention. Global Logistics fixes the deck so you can control how much threat is coming over two turns and Homeland Intervention allows you to remove up to 6 off any scheme and both of these cards can be used by Jessica who has that lovely S.H.I.E.L.D. keyword.

Everything else in the deck is build around getting more S.H.I.E.L.D. cards on the board. To that end we take full advantage of Jessica's BFF Captain Marvel to draw us lots of cards, Triskellion and Stinger to increase our ally limit so that we can use Strength in Numbers to draw insane amounts of cards every turn. A single copy each of Spycraft and Under Surveillance help give us some extra protection. While Nick Fury and/or Dum Dum Dugan provide lots of damage. Monica Chang and 2 copies of Surveillance Team provide even more ways of reducing threat in the early game and then sit on the board for Dum Dum, Global Logistics or Homeland Intervention to use. SKy-Destroyer also puts in a lot of work and Agent 13 can get some extra use out of that when needed. First Aid gives us two more uses of Captain Marvel or keeps Dum Dum around another turn. A couple Make the Calls keep Captain Marvel always around to draw more for us and can get back Maria Hill or Nick Fury as needed. Command Team and the Surveillance Teams get kept on the board with a single counter to help power Dum Dum or GL/HI. After a single pass through the deck you'll have a large amount of it on the board and between Nick/CM/Strength in Numbers you'll be speeding through it afterwards.

First build of the deck used Coulson and two copies of Justice Training but I found that having Spycraft wasn't as necessary as I thought and Justice Training wasn't as important as Leadership Training was(with two leadership trainings you can pretty much always ensure you'll be drawing into Strength in Numbers and with two of them you can juggle them between cycles through your deck.

Although I built the deck for true solo, I feel like it could be very viable in multiplayer because the amount you can thwart and control the enemy deck is ridiculous enough that you can soak multiple villain schemes on a single turn. Optimum strategy is that you will need to flip to get form sometimes to play Stinger, or thwart with Spider-Woman in dire situations, and of course play Pheromones. However, most of your turns can be spent safely behind a wall of allies as you draw tons of cards and wreck whatever the villain is attempting to do.