Ever Vigilant Spider-Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

G-Mumz · 1

This is a fun variation on the standard blue/green Captain Marvel Voltron deck that came about because I'm trying to make as many "good" decks as I can ready to go (simultaneously). Finding a place for Ever Vigilant is a little awkward because most of the heroes that can gain aerial tend to avoid Protection (i.e. Thor, Rocket, Iron Man). The only really good option is Spectrum but I already had her committed to an aggression deck.

The initial goal (corresponding to the first time through the deck) is obviously to get Captain Marvel out and some upgrades on her, because using her as a card draw engine accelerates our power curve. At the same time, we want to be doing the following:

1) Playing Pheromones whenever it comes out, because it's probably the best card in the game and gives us a lot of breathing room.

2) Get out both Finesse.

3) Get out one Med Team.

The second time through the deck we can focus on triggering Spider-Woman's ability and readying her. Ever Vigilant might sound awkward on Spider-Woman because of the need to play Self-Propelled Glide first but it actually works out quite well in practice. Once the upgrades/allies/supports are out we have a pretty thin deck and two allies that allow us to tutor for Glide if we need to. Additionally, we will often be pumped up to 4/4/4 and want to defend. Glide can then be used first to ready Spider-Woman after a defend. It's not uncommon with this deck to have both Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel activate three times in a turn, with each activation doing 3-4 thwart or attack. With Inconspicuous and Ever Vigilant we end up doing quite a bit of thwarting for a non-Justice deck.

Note that we have no defense event cards. This is so that Spider-Woman can play a green card and benefit from the +1/1/1 during her turn.

So what's awkward about the deck? Two things:

1) I've found myself not needing the protection upgrades very much. They tend to be "win more" cards; however they are more useful in multiplayer games where you might need to help defend for another hero.

2) The allies tend to stick around too long. We have four options for chump blocking but with Contaminant Immunity, Pheromones, and a high defense value I've found that I'm often waiting a long time before I need to throw an ally in front of the villain. Captain Marvel never leaves play and Hawkeye tends to stick around for awhile as you wait for his arrows to be used. He's just so damn useful though in that his 2 damage arrow will almost always save a Spider-Woman / Captain Marvel activation.

There's definitely some more fine-tuning that could be accomplished, and I don't have some of the latest expansion packs as well. Perhaps Armored Vest should replace an Indomitable? Do we really need White Tiger?