Black Panther 5 by 5

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 149

Play Shuri, get Symbiote Suit Use Fighting Fits to deal 5 damage each while building the rest of the upgrades Have Quincarrier for a usable Black Widow without having to pitch a Vibranium

Vibranium out all the 2 cost upgrades and allies While Clea and Starhawk are less powerful at attacking and thwart, they do go to the deck or the hand, respectively, when they get defeated.

Get Behind Me! should be used very rarely as anything but a resource. It is there to try and save the team, but it is better spent as a resource early game.

Energy Barriers and other defense upgrades help keep the health as high above starting mas for as long as possible while also damaging anyone who attacks BP.

Good luck, have fun, Wakanda Forever.