Ghost-Spider / Protection - Sinister Motives 0.3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 543

This deck is build for 2 player campaign run of Sinister Motives, and expecting to play with Spider-Man (Miles Morales). If you are not playing with a Miles Morales player, Young Love can be replaced with another Defiance, Energy Barrier, or even Armored Vest for your partner.

Spider-Man can feel hard to play with the requirements, but with her Ticket to the Multiverse, it makes it possible. Also he is very strong with her, as it gives her an extra ready up.

Armored Vest is just the little defence she needs to trigger 0 damage taken in most cases for Unflappable and simply to survive, mostly against Sandman.

Mental resources are important, for her Web Binding, that is why we have Enhanced Awareness.