Foiled! (She-Hulk)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4910

Wow... I just played Expert Rhino twice with this (Masters of Evil the first time, Running Interference the second time), and they were the most mellow games I've ever played. Because of her high health, decent defense, great recovery, and plenteous allies, she wasn't afraid of Rhino's attacks in hero form, and because of "I Object," Superhuman Law Division, Emergency, Foiled, Concussive Blow, Counterintelligence, and Under Surveillance she wasn't afraid in alter-ego, either.

Not a single card requires hero form for thwarting. She handled minions with ease, too.

Followed actually pairs perfectly with I Object, Emergency, and Foiled, since it means Crisis icons on side schemes can hang out a couple of turns no problem, allowing you to get out Followed and use it at the ideal moment.

First game, Gamma Slam was at the bottom of the deck and made for a 12 damage closer. Second game, I discarded it out of my opening hand and never needed it.

Fun times, interested to try other villains now.