Iron Man - Symbiote Armor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Having played a few games with this now, here is how this deck is working...

This deck fares best against enemies that do not pile on lots of damage. For enemies that focus more on threat or a balance, it can hold on until it builds up enough to come on strong.

On your first trip through the deck, you are wanting to manage damage and threat while building up your tech upgrades. If you draw Symbiote Suit early, discard it for your second trip through the deck.

Once you have got up to a hand size of 5+, you should be able to stay in hero form the rest of the game using Mark V Armor, Endurance and First Aids to keep your HP up. You should then be able to start piling on damage with attack events, Hand Cannons and Plan B.

You can ultimately reach a hand size of 8 with full tech upgrades and Symbiote Suit. Paired up with an Avengers Mansion, you will have 9 cards a turn and no shortage of options for managing your villain.

Although designed and tested as a solo deck, this should make a strong multiplayer deck as well.