[True Solo] Ironheart Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gaoler86 · 80

After picking up Ironheart and trying her precon I realised how strong her base kit is. Knowing she lived on resources meant an easy pick to put her in Justice for True Solo.

The deck is filled with resources to make sure you always have something to throw in to her AE for an easy progress counter.

Like any Ironheart deck you want to power through to Version 3 as quickly as possible.

This means a hard mulligan for her Stroke of Genius and Ronnie Williams. Fly Over is going to do a lot of work clearing the main scheme and setting up the next version.

In perfect circumstances you can get V2 on the first turn (need the enemy setup to include a side scheme or minion that you can remove) but this deck will hit V2 on the 2nd turn easily. Remember that you ready when you change form, so use a basic ability early, or defend the villain attack.

Champions Mobile Bunker is a great way to filter out cards that aren't much use, if you have threat under control you can use it to ditch a few thwart cards.