Doctor Strange: Invocation & Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onisami · 3

Hi everyone! with this deck you will have a lot of fun, having many allies being able to use many invocations and drawing many cards is a great combo for victory !! you can even have six allies in play at the same time with the help of "Stinger", "Avengers tower" and "Tryskelion". when you have more than three allies the card "unity is strength" allows you to draw three cards easily thanks to the "prepared" card you can make your allies ready again And with the card "the most powerful heroes of the earth" you can make ready your identity directly and then use it accordingly to play other invocations. being a monothematic deck on the Avengers I decided to use "Captain America" ​​Since it is discounted based on the number of Avengers that are in play there being many given the help of the various cards that are in the deck you also come to play Captain America at no cost !!! The guide will not be very precise, however, I hope it is a fun deck for all those who decide to use it thanks to the next one!